
My coursebook illustrated about this week,

Aim - To look develop and look at ideas surrounding globalization, continuing from the previous week. The spotlight topic is the role of HR within an organisation, and in addition we will look (again) at how functional areas are inter-related. This will pick up this concept introduced in week 3 (structure).

What is Globalization?

Schech and Haggis (2000) claims 'the intensification of global disconnectedness’.

Kiely (1999) mentioned that ‘globalization refers to a world in which societies, cultures, politics and economies have, in some sense come closer together.

Also, i believe Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods and services across national frontiers. On the other hand, it does not include unhindered movement of labor and, as suggested by some economists, may hurt smaller or fragile economies if applied indiscriminately.

Strands of globalization
•Economic- increasing trade across state boundaries.

Many governments want to protect their domestic economy but .

•Cultural- Westernization, homogenization

It has both side. Some factors are good such as improve of the quality of life and companies compete about better goods and services. However, westernization leads to lost some countries culture.

•Political- removal of borders, e.g. EU

These days, a lot of countries broken the rule like a EU union and FTA (Korea and USA trade). It would choose the countries about benefit and lost some market. For example, Korea get USA car market but lost agricultural market.

Key drivers of globalisation

•Political/ Economics –  Neo-liberal market policies, 

preferential trading agreements e.g. EU, deregulation of

 international capital markets.

•Technological – advances in communication and 


•Market and Costs – Saturated domestic markets force 

businesses to move markets.  Lower production and 

transport costs abroad have also encouraged the move. 

Globalisation- issues
Exacerbates economic poverty- the rich get richer, the poor…

It is very important problem because a lot of counties get the situation such as Korea, China and EU but most countries same. It should solve the problem for economy circle.

Technological poverty- in Africa access to internet is 1/1000 persons

This is very important point about today. Because, almost middle class use the smart phone and internet but many African could not use. It will result in more gap with them.

Interconnections- domino effect
For example, if USA decides quantitative easing, most developing counties get to damage because globalization make it.

In my opinion, less choice, fuels, human greed, trade agreements and loss of cultural diversity are also problem of globalization. I do not want to repeat the sentence but every factors and every choice has both sides. So, the governments try to protect their domestic economy and sometimes they need to try about exporting.


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