Introduction to Organisations and Management

This week, Our class topic is 'organization', it is a social unit of people that is structured  and managed to meet a need or pursue collective goals.

there are a lot of companies worldwide such as Samsung, which manufactures phone and TV, it associated in finance departure as well and a lot of things(Samsung has 23 of affiliates such as card, insurance, electronic and display etc..) at South Korea and all the world. Especially, Samsung makes smart phone is one of most-selling in the world like galaxy and note series.Also they have economics of scale. Those are reasons which could makes double-edged word because it can provide lots of products which leads to huge profit. On the other hand, this kind of organizations can not be easily controlled and sometimes they can not predict the future and cause small or big problems.

 For instance, 20 years ago, Samsung was not a world company but they saw future and then did investment for creative technologies, research and development(R&D). Present Samsung is one of big company in the world. However, Nokia also was very big company at 10 years ago but they could not followed trend and then failed the business and management. These days, Microsoft bought Nokia for revival at smart phone market.

It has theory from Henry Mintzberg (1973), he made ten management roles and divided three parts.

Informational (monitor, discriminator, spokesperson)
Interpersonal (figurehead, leader, liaison)
Delusional (entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator)

and this graph is his organizational structure theory.

In my opinion,  the topic suggests 'businesslike or efficient method. If a company or business would think about how to effectively organize and manage its needs to direct and control the resources. Mintzberg said 'Strategy is nor the consequence of planning but the opposite, its starting point'.


  1. Fantastic! Really well written blog. You have clearly discussed organisations and the importance of management. You have taken the theory and applied it to real organisations. Really very well done. Nicely produced with use of graphics.


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