

This term, i studied Introduction to Business and Management. So, today i try to revise and practice about final exam. As regard Quiz ,it is a definition part. 1.What is the purpose of SWOT? SWOT Analysis is a simple but useful framework for analyzing your organization's strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats that you face. It helps you focus on your strengths, minimize threats, and take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available to you. 2.What does SWOT stand for? Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats 3. What is the purpose of a PESTLE? Companies want to know external business environment for future factor. 4.What does PESTLE stand for? Political, Economic, Social, Technology, legal and Environmental. 5.What is the purpose of Porter's value chain? Use analyzing  internal organisation. 6.What is the purpose of Poters 5 Forces? Analysis competitor an


My coursebook illustrated about this week, Aim - To look develop and look at ideas surrounding globalization, continuing from the previous week. The spotlight topic is the role of HR within an organisation, and in addition we will look (again) at how functional areas are inter-related. This will pick up this concept introduced in week 3 (structure). What is Globalization? Schech  and Haggis (2000) claims  'the intensification of global disconnectedness’. Kiely (1999) mentioned that ‘globalization refers to a world in which societies, cultures, politics and economies have, in some sense come closer together. Also, i believe Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods and services across national frontiers. On the other hand, it does not include unhindered movement of labor and, as suggested by some econo

International Business

 This week, my group object is international business and to concentrate trading internationally, how to trade internationally and the context of international trade. International trade is not new like a silk-road but 21 century is more faster then past. How to go international • Outsource- not just manufacturing because a lot of  companies try to survival the markets. This mean, the Companies must develop outstanding and outsource goods. Samsung was only the big company at South Korea but  today, they are one of big global company and market  leader at the IT market.   profit and find a chance in the world and the companies  also would get a chance for big company or success. • Exporting/ Importing give to chance about  rapidly  increasing  the companies such as Samsung.  However, it also can fail  such as Nokia.  •Foreign Direct Investment – establishing operations  in  another country. This

Organisational Strategy

(Spotlight- Change Management) Organisational Strategy This week we studied Organisational strategy about Minzberg,Chandler, John and Scholes.  Mintzeberg (1972) defined 'a pattern in a stream of decisions' also he claims plan, ply, pattern, position and perspective this five factors (he said it is 5 PS ) can develop a business strategy. Chandler  (1963) - 'the determination of the long run goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carring out the goals' John and Scholes (2011) said 'strategy is the long term direction of an organisation' Strategy is very important to business. Today, game also need strategy much more business should considers strategy for survival. A company would considers levels of strategy such as corporate, business and operational level. Furthermore, perspectives on strategy also important point as the strategy has 

Management Models and Micro/Macro Environment

(Spotlight- Innovation and Entrepreneurship) organisational context (environment) All of business would get effect from the inside and outside. This week my lecturer explain to us about Internal and Competitive(micro) environment layers. Especially, UK has a lot of supermarket such as M&S, ASDA, Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Morrisons and Tesco. They have a lot of competitors and effect from other ways. These reasons why they most care about business environments and management models. Do you know the companies? This companies had high position in their own markets but they could not followed trends and business environments. As a result, they values were decreased and some companies sold to other company such as Microsoft bought NOKIA for hard-wear market. So, business environment is important to companies even a market leader. The Internal environment consists to business with structure, objectives, culture,technology,leadership, finan

Organizational design and structure

Last week, we concentrated on studying 'introduction organization with business'.This is a reason,these days, there are a lot of companies and organization structures in the world. I will introduce ' organization structure ' along with Tall,Flat, Matrix structures and current trends(functional, divisional, hybrid and emerging structures). With respect to 'organization structure', it is structure about company mechanisms help facilitate working together across the units. Also, consists of separate organizational units supported by a shared infrastructure at the base. Tall Structure  is " Bureaucratic " it is traditional type structure with "Hierarchical" and "Narrow spans of control". Originally, this structure would have less motivation than other structures but i suggest it is depends on and sometimes tall structures can give more motivation for others since long chain of command can promote than flat and complex